Category: Health Insurance

Independent referee needed for private health insurance sector

AMA President Professor Steve Robson released the AMA’s private health budget submission today, which calls for a Private Health System Authority to ensure the sector is appropriately regulated.

“We need an independent body that has the capacity, objectivity, and expertise to ensure the system is fair for patients...

Health insurance may get a new regulator

The interim budget on 1 February may set the stage for a composite license for life and general insurance, a separate regulator for health insurance and an increased digital push for the delivery and sale of insurance products, two people aware...

WHO South-East Asia Region commits to prioritizing and investing more in primary health care

The Member countries of WHO South-East Asia Region today are committed to prioritizing investment in primary health care to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage.

“Prioritizing investments to strengthen primary health care, including health workforce, will accelerate progress towards achieving health for all and help realize health-related sustainable development goals,...