Why a weekly healthy cry can be good for you

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Have you ever heard the phrase ‘have a good cry’ and wondered if there is such a thing and what could possibly be good about it?

KDKA’s John Shumway found out that not only can it be a good thing, there’s even a website that encourages it once per week!

Johnny Maroney, the founder of the website, is a visual artist in Los Angeles and after doing some research, he stumbled into the positive impact of tears.

“The actual act of you know, tears coming out of your eyes, can release these endorphins that improve your mental and physical health,” Maroney said.

“I actually agree that it can be very therapeutic to express your emotions once a week,” said Licensed Professional Counselor Sara Banks.

Banks says that crying gives your emotions an outlet.

“Those feelings are going to come out and they are going to come out in an explosion and what that might look like is a fight with your spouse or a disproportionate reaction to your children,” Banks said.

The site is very simple. You go to CryOnceAWeek.com and there is a button that says ‘Click to feel something.’

After pressing the button, a video pops up that is proven to open your floodgates.



“I found them all effective,” Maroney said. “They’ve all made me cry. I tested them all out.”

If the first video doesn’t make you spring a leak, you can refresh the page and a new video will play.

“Those feelings are there and it’s just finding a way to let them out,” Banks said.

Maroney says based on feedback, the site is working.

“We found about, kind of like 85% or 90% of people cried after, you know, within a few videos that they watched on the website,” Maroney said.

The website even has a place for you to put your email address and they will send you weekly reminders to log on and cry, or as Banks says, purge yourself.

The website itself is free and non-monetized. Maroney is making nothing and he loves that he has heard from a lot of people it’s helping deal with things they are going through.